5 course dinner with the Hopmen

The Hopmen celebrate 10 years and host a 5-course dinner, along with De Dochter van de Korenaar

March 16, 2024 in the tasting room of De Dochter van de Korenaar

It's been ten years since Twan & Dyon first brought you together at Berlin for the first edition of BBB. Great tastings with beer-food combinations, many breweries, great stories & lots of fun. We think that we should not let the ten years pass by unnoticed and we want to do it a bit bigger (but still intimate) this time.

On Saturday, March 16, we will put all the tables together at Berlin Café and serve you a five-course dinner with five matching beers. And of course that includes a brewer! Twan & Dyon have been fans of De Dochter van de Korenaar for quite some time. And it had been a dream for some time to have her as a speaker during one of the BBB editions. Well ladies & gentlemen. It worked out! So, March 16, food served by Daan de Jongh, stories from the brewer of the Daughter of the Korenaar and celebrating 10 years of the Hopmen!

You may be wondering Daan? It was Hugo, wasn't it? Well our boss Hugo is in bed with a hernia and can't work for a while.... So we asked Daan to cook for us. He specializes in beer and food combinations so that seemed like a great solution.

"I am Daan and work as sous chef at Restaurant Pellens in Breda. I have been to Bier Bij Berlijn a number of times and back then I already thought it would be fun to cook with the beers. That this will happen at the anniversary edition is of course extra special! I'm looking forward to it!"

Would you like a seat at the long table? It costs €75 per person and you can sign up by emailing info@hopmannen.nl. There are not mega places so be quick!

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